Life · Parenthood

And then I said “you go girl!”

I think I had an out of body experience the other day, or at least as close to what one can have while fully awake and alert to everything happening around you at that specific moment. It had been a busy and productive day at work and as I was driving back home I was… Continue reading And then I said “you go girl!”

CSULB - My College Experience · Life · Marriage · Parenthood

A purse and diaper bag kind of day

I realize I’ve been, once again, thoroughly inconsistent with my writing/posting so I’m trying something new. I’ve decided that Thursday evenings will be my writing day. Yes, I should be reading, studying, washing our daughters dishes, getting her food ready for tomorrow, and countless other things, yet I also should be writing because I love it… Continue reading A purse and diaper bag kind of day