Life · Motherhood

Motherhood: Embracing life and my reality

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see” – Henry David Thoreau This is one of my favorite quotes, because it speaks to me so deeply when it comes to motherhood and parenting. I was texting with a group of my close friends just now and one of them made a… Continue reading Motherhood: Embracing life and my reality

Life · Motherhood

Motherhood: There’s joy and sadness in transitions 

A few weeks ago we went through a pretty big transition with the girls. We decided it was time to say goodbye to the crib and toddler bed and upgrade the girls beds and room furniture. My husband and I checked out so many different furniture stores and in the end we fell in love with this… Continue reading Motherhood: There’s joy and sadness in transitions 

Life · Motherhood

Motherhood: When your toddler gets a bit Godzilla

Elysse, our 18 month old, is teething. This has been her on and off all week:  Fire spitting Godzilla. Destroying anything in sight. Okay well actually just completely depleting any ounce of strength that I have as a human adult.  This is pretty much how I finished the week: Our girl has been screaming bloody… Continue reading Motherhood: When your toddler gets a bit Godzilla