CSULB - My College Experience · Life

The joys of school

Do you remember those days in school or college when the professor would tell you that her/his tests are multiple choice and essay questions and nearly all the students would breathe a sigh of relief (and nearly cheer) at the words “multiple choice”? Well, I was not (am not) one of them. If there is… Continue reading The joys of school

Health and Fitness · Journey of my first 5K run · Life · Marriage

Oh The Finish Line!

I did it! I completed my very first 5K race yesterday at the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation: Your Next Step is the Cure, Orange County, CA 5K!! I woke up Saturday morning with an “oh oh” feeling. I had a terrible tummy ache and my body just felt weird. Achey. Our original plan was… Continue reading Oh The Finish Line!


How You Treat People Matters

 Today’s message at church was about restoring our relationships and purposefully seeking forgiveness. I was so moved by the words our Pastor spoke and as he closed his message and we prayed I had tears in my eyes. Maybe someone out there can relate and has a relationship that is torn or broken and when you think of that person you have resentment,… Continue reading How You Treat People Matters

CSULB - My College Experience · Life

Option A: The Gym, Option B: Emotional Breakdown

Have you ever had one of those days where an overflow of emotions and tears seems to be just a blink away? Well this morning I nearly let my emotions get the best of me and the day could’ve easily turned into a disaster.   After my husband left for class I suddenly became so overwhelmed, emotional, and… Continue reading Option A: The Gym, Option B: Emotional Breakdown